Waste Water

No matter if it’s drilling, turning, milling or sawing, industrial wastewater is created during the machining process – and it has to be disposed of at a high cost. H2O GmbH’s vacuum distillation system presents an efficient and cost-saving solution for this. With an annual industrial wastewater volume of 1.58 million gallons, for example, annual savings to the tune of Dollar 400,000 can be made by using VACUDEST instead of conventional waste disposal. That’s a lot of money freed up for other uses.

A number of machining processes incur considerable costs for the disposal of spent and generated cooling lubricant emulsions. On average, costs amount to around Dollar 300 per 1,000 gallon for disposing such oily waters. The spent emulsions contain a large variety of cooling lubricants. With VACUDEST, there is a massive reduction in the volume of wastewater that needs to be disposed of every year – a fifteen- to twenty-fold reduction, in fact. Disposal costs are reduced on the same scale. This simple but huge cost-saving potential has led many businesses to completely rethink their wastewater management.
